EZ Travel Client-Agent Partnership Agreement

  • EZ Travel recognizes our relationship with you, our client, as a true partnership. It is a privilege to have you trust us with your travel and we always keep your best interests (as it relates to time, convenience and cost) at top of mind. While we will remain your ally from the moment we begin making reservations and travel arrangements on your behalf until you return safely home (especially if things go wrong), it must be understood that there may be circumstances affecting your travel that are entirely outside of our control. Before we make arrangements for your flight, lodging, car rental, tour, cruise, or other trip, we require that you sign this agreement indicating your acceptance of our terms and conditions:

    EZ Travel acts as a sales agent for the airline, hotel, car-rental company, tour operator, cruise line, or other service provider (“Supplier”) named in your itinerary. EZ Travel is not responsible for acts or omissions made by the Supplier or their failure to provide services or adhere to their own published schedules.

    EZ Travel assumes no responsibility for and shall not be liable for any refund, personal injury, property damage, or other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience, or irregularity which may be caused by:

    • defaults, wrongful or negligent acts, or omissions by the Supplier;
    • defects in or failures of any vehicle, craft, equipment, or instrumentality owned, operated, or otherwise used or provided by the Supplier; or
    • wrongful or negligent acts or omissions on the part of any other party not under EZ Travel’s control.

  • You acknowledge and understand that:

    • airlines can increase their prices at any time before tickets are issued and that EZ Travel has no control over issuance of tickets when booked through third parties (such as for packages and tours);
    • airlines, cruise lines, tour operators, and other suppliers have their own contracts covering cancellation penalties and other terms and conditions, and that you may be bound by those contracts regardless of whether you receive notice of their terms.

    By signing below, you are consenting to those terms and conditions.

    EZ Travel has no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the Suppliers nor unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations to which you may be traveling.

    • You assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of your destination(s), and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination(s).

  • Any and all claims made against EZ Travel must be made within 30 days of the return from your affected trip. You agree that the courts in Randolph County will be the exclusive jurisdiction for all claims brought by you or EZ Travel and you hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts.

  • Know Before You Go

    In order to provide you with the best travel experience possible, it is important that we know some important things about you and you know these important things about travel:

    • Do you have the required travel documents? Please ensure that your documents are in order before any reservations or payments are made:
      • Passport – Travel outside the U.S. (and its territories) requires the use of a passport for entry. It can take approximately 6 weeks, once you submit your application, to receive your passport. If you already have a current passport, it must be valid for at least 6 months beyond the date you return from your trip and have two or more blank pages remaining (depending on your destination). Otherwise, you may be denied entry. NOTE: while a passport is strongly recommended, it is not required when traveling on a cruise in and out of the same U.S. port. In this case, a certified birth certificate is sufficient for travel.
      • Visa - You may also need to get a visa before you travel to some foreign destinations. Contact the embassy of the countries you will be visiting for more information.
      • International Driving Permit - Many countries do not recognize a U.S. driver’s license, but most accept an International Driving Permit. You may also need supplemental auto insurance. Be sure to be aware of the policies that apply in the countries you will be visiting if you plan to drive or rent a car while traveling.
    • Are you or any of your travel companions pregnant or planning to become pregnant while or soon after traveling? Some destinations may have increased health risks, such as those with increased risk of exposure to the Zika Virus. EZ Travel recommends contacting the Centers for Disease Control at (877) FYI-TRIP or visiting their website at www.cdc.gov/travel for additional information, as well as discussing your travel plans with your physician before any reservations or payments are made.
    • Have you or any of your travel companions been convicted of a felony? Many countries, including Canada and Mexico, have restrictions that may prevent your entry into their borders. Please discuss your options with your travel consultant before any reservations or payments are made.
    • Are you traveling with medications? Some prescription drugs, including narcotics and some U.S. over-the-counter medications, are illegal in other countries. Check the embassy of your destination(s) about regulations and documentation before any reservations or payments are made.
    • Are you traveling outside the United States with a minor child? If only one parent is traveling, foreign border officials may require custody documents or notarized written consent from the other parent. If neither parent is traveling with the child, both need to provide signed and notarized consent. If one or both parents are deceased, a certified death certificate should be attached to the consent form. If the whereabouts of a parent is unknown, a separate affidavit with this information is recommended.
    • For more information about foreign regulations and travel policies, EZ Travel recommends visiting the website for the U.S. Embassy of your destination(s) at https://www.usembassy.gov.
    • For more information concerning possible dangers at destinations, EZ Travel recommends contacting the U.S. State Department at (202) 647-5225 or visiting the Travel Warnings section of their website at https://travel.state.gov.
    • For more medical information, EZ Travel recommends contacting the Centers for Disease Control at (877) FYI-TRIP or https://www.cdc.gov/travel.

  • Form of Payment

    EZ Travel accepts cash, check and all major credit cards and debit cards for payment; however, some Suppliers may have their own policies on which credit cards can be used for payment that may restrict their use. We also remind you of the Fair Credit Billing Act that can be exercised when a credit card is used to complete your purchase, and you do not receive the products and services purchased. NOTE: when using a debit card, you may have a daily spending limit that could impact your purchase. Please contact your bank if you plan to make a purchase that exceeds your daily limit so that they can apply a temporary increase to complete the transaction. Additionally, when a debit card is used for a rental car or for lodging where a deposit is held against your account, it could take up to 7 to 10 business days for those funds to be released back to your account if not used. For this reason, it may be preferable to use a credit card over a debit card for these types of transactions.

    As our client, you hereby appoint EZ Travel as your attorney-in-fact for the sole purpose of signing the documents necessary to purchase and issue airline tickets, tour packages, cruises, and hotel guarantees from the Suppliers. You also authorize EZ Travel to sign credit card authorizations for said purchases or whenever an Internet booking transaction is completed on your behalf and charged to the credit card account you provided for your purchase.

  • Trip Protection Insurance

    While optional, EZ Travel strongly recommends the purchase of trip protection insurance to protect your health, property, and monetary investment. Unexpected circumstances can arise that may interrupt or cause you to cancel your vacation. Trip insurance will cover you in the event of cancellation, trip delays or interruption. Depending on the plan, it may also cover you medically while you’re away or even provide best price guarantees.

  • Clear Signature
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