MAST Groups – Participation Agreement

MAST Groups will be booked under Travel Center Hosts. Participating agencies will need to have a signed Travel Hosts agreement and MAST Groups Participation Agreement on file in order to book available MAST Groups.

As a participating agency, I agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • My agency and all Inside and Independent Contractor agents agree to book Mast Groups components directly with suppliers as indicated by each group through Travel Center Hosts as independent agents of Travel Hosts
  • My agency and all Inside and Independent Contractor agents agree to follow registration instructions and booking procedures as instructed by Travel Hosts
  • My agency agrees to participate in MAST’s direct mail and/or email marketing programs
  • My agency agrees to promote MAST groups through our website, email blasts, etc.
  • My agency agrees to encourageall staff and Independent Contractors focus on selling the preferred supplier group trips
  • My agency agrees to house our mailing list in Client Base through either our own subscription or through MAST’s FREE hosted version of ClientBase Online

Program Objectives:

  • To create inventory and product for MAST members to sell
  • Focus on special events—Oberammergau, Wine and Food Tours, etc.
  • Add a MAST Exclusive, a value that passengers cannot get anywhere else
  • Grow sales with preferred suppliers
  • Set up a marketing plan, including co-op funds for agents to promote these groups
  • Advise members on creating and promoting groups through MAST Groups

Business Practices:

  • MAST agents traveling with a MAST group agrees to not solicit any clients traveling with MAST Groups. This includes verbal communication, business cards, flyers, social media, etc.
  • If a client has booked a prior trip with a MAST agency and decides to book a trip with a second MAST agency, the booking will belong to the agency the customer remits payment.

MAST Groups Contact:
Joan Cook
(815) 683-5074 

Travel Hosts Contact:
Carmelita Chavez
(352) 751-4582

MAST - MAST Groups Participation Agreement

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